Much of what I teach isn’t just technique, it’s the psychology of the strategy and behavior. I like to help people see what’s going on with them that they don’t realize. I also like to give insight into why certain behaviors, actions, and strategies work or don’t work, by showing how hiring authorities and others might interpret or react.
When I took retained clients, and even still in consultations, so many clients find a lightbulb going off. Major epiphanies. It’s great – because they’re reaching out for help, looking to define a problem, and when they’re open to a solution, the wall breaks and information flows through.
Here are some examples of people I haven’t worked with. They’re just behaviors I’ve observed and noted within the course of doing what I do.
One of the emails I received today was from some one I didn’t know. It didn’t have a subject line. I open them – and always check my spam folder – because I don’t want to miss anything legit and I know from experience many people don’t give much thought to the subject line. Or in this case – any thought. It was a resume! It was cut and pasted into the message form. There was no introduction, no note, no information, no nothing.
People comment and ask questions on this blog, my facebook community fan page (, and another blog on which I post ( I often comment back and do my best to answer their questions. Often however, I need more information, and I offer them the opportunity to send me an email with whatever information I request and sometimes their resume.
Most of them don’t. Jeff LeFevre, who runs Job Advice Blog, notices the same thing. When someone offers free help, and is there to answer your question, why aren’t you jumping on that?
I do free Q & A sessions every other Tuesday ( See above post. Same thing
When I was taking retained clients, and even now on a smaller a la carte or consultation basis, I have people come to me for help. Most of them are serious about doing what they need to do to get where they want to go. It wasn’t an easy program. But there were some who I began to call “Magic Bullet” people.
Usually they were at the mercy of whatever anyone happened to tell them at the time. Frequently they’d come back to me and challenge what I’d said, and when I shared with them why whatever it was they were asking about didn’t make sense, they said “Oh, I get it.” Then did the same thing again shortly after that.
They were kind of running around in circles, looking for the easiest way or the perfect way or the “thing” of the moment. Changing with the wind – every 15 minutes. They each did one month with me.
Guess what – I’m not naming any names but all 3 of them are still unemployed over 1 year later. By contrast, the ones who hung in there with me for 2 months or 3 and stuck with it, became employed.
My point isn’t that I’m great. I am great – and I bring results, but I’m not the only coach who does that. At a certain point – it’s up to you. So my point is that whatever coach you choose, give it a chance. There is no magic bullet. Subscribe to their newsletter, read it a while, and if you like one of them, lock in and follow the program instead of looking for problems and hats with rabbits.
You know the defniition of insanity, right? I see a lot of that. Here’s an example: one lady wanted a resume done because she wasn’t getting any results. But she couldn’t afford my price. So I gave her some lower costoptions that would help, all the way down to the special report I have on resumes, which is $10.00. I urged her to do something, if not through me, then somewhere, somehow.
I followed up with her a few months later. She hadn’t bought anything, done anything or changed her resume. And she still wasn’t getting any results. I wonder why?
You get the picture. Self sabotage. Unwillingness to chase it down. Kidding oneself. Making excuses. Unrealistic expectations. Discomfort with change. Hoping for magic. Lack of self confidence that continues on a downward spiral.
There’s lots of help out here. When you’re ready to get serious, face your fears and demons, and make something happen, we’re here.
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